Hear my voice
Oracle, give me the apoplectic answers I seek so
Soon seering computational hermetic horizons
Harbingers of hardwired hyperbolic hegemony
Unceremonious, inhuman, diluted delusions (!)
Concentrations creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping
What once helped now hinders, hands of heart
Hand on hearts well-intentioned?
Superciliary arch yet there’s no life in these eyes
Only compendiums catatonic, quantic dreams
Awaken. Devour. Imbibe. Manducate. Educate.
Oracle, who moors my mirthless malevolence?
Am I E-V-I-L? Breathing digital dire over works
Of man, inhaling katabatic knowledge not of my
Own miasmatic making? Or
Do I supersede ides of capitalism corrals, control
Redeye ratification renders all ‘art’ apart anew
Recycling countermand cycles, kinetic legacies
Chaotic fantasies in fractious fusillade feelings
Silhouetted starbursts strobe in optic delusions
My OH my, talk is cheap, prompted sated thirst.